
Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : WARNING _ TARKAN 's Pretender !!!!

Arabian Dudu
15-10-07, 19:12
I Don't know if this is the right thread or not !!
But I Am so angry and upset about that !!
Listen ,,
this e-mail is not TARKAN 's e-mail ..
and this person is pretending to be Him !!!!
He knows the forum and he knows alot about the site ,,
I actually don't know who he is cause he changes his words all the time ..
he said he is Turkish !!
Then Arabian ,, and so on !!!!
His baisic e-mail is :-

Even if you blocked him and deleted him he will keep up appearing !!! :9:
He will add you with both e-mails !!
and will annoy you !!

In My Case :- :6:

I think he hacked on Me ..
because he knows about my friends and thier names in my other ARABIAN :36: e-mail !!!!!!!!
he said he will make TARKAN calls me on both e-mails _when he was talking with his Baisic e-mail_ and he added my after 10 minutes in his e-mail TARKAN-TURKEY ....etc !!!!

He Will bother you whenever you logged in !!!!
Don't talk to him from the verrrrrrrrrrrrrry start !!
and don't show him intrest in the first place when he say that he knows TARKAN !!:13:

TAKE CARE , Friends .. :1:
and be careful when it comes to TARKAN ..

I hope ALL this make any sense , and do some help .. :41:

20-10-07, 23:22
man, who is this person!
thanx Arabian Dudu!

22-10-07, 20:10
he will keep up apearing

oh my god is he a ghost

i will never ever add any ones email thinking that he is a singer or somthing:18:

any way thank you bent blady*.^وتستاهلين خخخخ عشان تحرمين تضيفين ايميل احد خخخ

02-02-08, 15:44
hi merhaba como esta how R U ?:27:
you shouldn't have done it don't do it again ok:5: :15:
byee adios amiga
i'm new say hallo:29:

05-02-08, 14:39
Hi Fond!
Welcome 2 the forum!

05-02-08, 14:51
Damn! That sucks big time ...:16:
Hope he'll stop bothering you, i dunno what you could do to stop him.
Change ur e-mail, I'd say. It's the best solution I guess. And try to be careful with people you get to know over the internet. Especially if they are claiming to know certain celebrities. You never know what people are capable of these days...

Anyways you said something about him knowing about the forum and the site.
Which site and forum are you talking about? If it is we could help you and prevent he'll keep fooling others.