Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Stars like Tarkan and Kenan Doğulu Just Angels clothing…

15-03-09, 01:35

Stars like Tarkan and Kenan Doğulu Just Angels clothing…

Just Angels was actually created four years ago by a 50-person team in Merter. Now it employs 16 designers. This design group, which is composed mainly of young women, follows world and Turkish trends closely, producing pieces that appeal mostly to young women. They used to produce men's collections, but since 2008 they have focused on women's clothing. Just Angels is a brand name sold in shopping capitals such as Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Tokyo, Hong Kong, New York, Milan, Frankfurt, Marseilles and London. In fact, all of its pieces are primarily designed for export. Just Angels has a store in Paris, where its T-shirts in particular are popular. Its goods are sent to other cities on order. There are many famous people who wear the clothing produced by Just Angels. Stars like Tarkan and Kenan Doğulu wear this brand, though they may not even be aware they are wearing Turkish clothing. Okan Bey saw a red Just Angels T-shirt being worn by Tarkan, and offered to be his sponsor. Only then did Tarkan realize what he was wearing! Okan Bey explains: "There is a store which has 12 outlets in New York and you can find our stuff there. I think that must be where Tarkan bought his red T-shirt. Anyway, we reached his manager. We said we'd like to be a clothing sponsor. But when they learned we were a Turkish company, they sent our gifts back. I don't know, maybe they didn't want Tarkan wearing designs that a lot of people had access to. As for the group Hepsi, they wear our stuff because they want to."

Source Today's Zaman (http://www.todayszaman.com/tz-web/detaylar.do?load=detay&link=168801)

15-03-09, 11:54
merterde nerdeymişyaww orasıı ben istanbul a gittiğimzaman oraya yakınyere gidiyorum

pare pare
17-03-09, 00:09
Anlamadim ....:11: Amma burdaysa mutlaka anlamam lazim konu TARKANLA ilgili o yuzden :20:bravo

17-03-09, 11:12
bende cat pat anladim..
birisi tercüman etse süper olur..

17-03-09, 18:28
Özet |

Just Angels adli Türk marka hakkinda tanitim bi' sekilde yapiliyor. Cogunlukla kadin giyim tasarimlari yapiliyormus, ve bunu 2008 yilindan sonra yogunlastirmislar. Bu marka Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Tokyo, Hong Kong, New York, Milan, Frankfurt, Marseilles, London gibi metropol'larda satiliyormus.

Ürünleri Kenan Doglu ve Tarkan gibi ünlüler giyiniyormus. Okay bey'in söylemine göre Tarkan onlarin krimizi bir ürününü (T-shirt) giyinmis ve bunun üzerine Tarkan'a sponsorluk teklifini götürmüsler. Bu T-shirt'i New York'da satisa sunulan 12 yerden birinden almis olabildigini söylüyor.Tarkan bu andan itibaren aslinda Türk marka giyindigini ögrenmis. Fakat Tarkan'in manager'ine ulastikdan sonra Just Angels'in yolladiklari hediyeleri geri göndermisler - bunu birazda Türk bir sirketi olmalarina bagliyor. Bir yandan da teklifi red etmeleri belki cogu kisinin alabilicegi ürünler olmasina bagliyor.
Hepsi grubu bu markayi kendi istegi ile giyiniyormus...

09-08-09, 07:21
thans *megastarkan* ve tesekkurler!!